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Delivering opportunities through local partnerships

October 2013

As we are new to Lancaster, what better way to get to know people than building partnerships with local companies? We are building relationships with financial advisers Bridges & Co, estate agents Fisher Wrathall and Holdens Solicitors. We are really proud to be a local North West company and by working in partnership with three local Lancaster companies we can offer a personal service when it comes to buying one of our properties. Ian Felton at Bridges & Co is offering financial services to our customers including mortgages. Paul Lowe of Fisher Wrathall can manage the estate agency side for customers looking to sell their own property and Peter Rutherford of Holdens Solicitors is one of Story Homes’ two preferred solicitors for the development. All three companies have offices in Lancaster, meaning that you don’t have to travel far to get a full house buying service. Want to get in touch with us or our partners?

Story Homes Sales AdviserSAM_3395
Sylvia Harris
Tel: 07817401808



SAM_3399Bridges & Co
Ian Felton
Tel: 07971245856


SAM_3403Fisher Wrathall
Paul Lowe
Tel: 01524 68822


Peter Rutherford, Holdens SolicitorsHoldens Solicitors
Peter Rutherford
Tel: 07966320609