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Our lovely customers in Lancaster

October 2013

The public open weekend for High Wood is over and we have really enjoyed talking to you all about our first Lancaster development. It has been a great couple of weeks for High Wood, with five properties sold, and we have met some fantastic customers along the way. Congratulations to Jonathan Smith and his wife Stephanie who celebrated SAM_3405their wedding anniversary and bought their dream home all on the same day, and what better way to celebrate than with a bottle of champagne from Story Homes. Jonathan said: “This part of Lancaster has been crying out for some good quality development for years. We have been looking for a really nice home for our family and we love Story Homes’ houses and the beautiful finish they have. We can’t wait to get moved in now, but first we are going home to celebrate!” The launch at Lancaster House Hotel was great and the next milestone to look forward to is moving into our sales cabin on site. Not long to go and of course you will be the first to know! You have met our team this week but once the cabin is on site, Sylvia Harris will be based at High Wood five days a week.  Contact Sylvia for more information about timescales, availability and prices.