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New show homes launching at Laurel Place, Ulverston

April 2022

Join us on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 August to celebrate the opening of our two brand new show homes at Laurel Place in Ulverston.

Over the course of the weekend, appointments will be available between 10.30am and 5.30pm for visitors to explore the beautiful five-bedroom Milford and the four-bedroom Linford which showcase our signature open plan spaces and flexible living areas. Our experienced Sales Executive Sarah will be on hand to share more information about our house types – which include a range of three, four and five-bedroom properties.

The two show homes have been designed and styled by Show Business Interiors, with a colour palette of classic greys complemented by warm mauve, plum and blush pink tones, oozing a trendy and sophisticated style throughout. We especially love the space explorer themed bedroom, perfect for the star gazer of the family, and bedroom five of the Milford which has a whimsical feel featuring swans and pretty pink tones.

Here’s a sneak peek of the moodboards for our luxurious five-bedroom Milford…

And our elegant 4-bedroom Linford…

The show homes are available to view by appointment only, to book yours or find out more about Laurel Place, please click here. We can’t wait to show you inside.