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Story Homes sponsors WOW event

July 2015

An event aimed at inspiring and motivating young people into the world of work was held on Friday 10 July at Brathay Trust in the Lake District.

Hosted by the High Sheriff of Cumbria, Sam Rayner, the World of Work (WOW) event saw over two hundred 14-18 year olds from across Cumbria take part in interactive tasks and activities to give them real life work experience.

Inspirational talks from the High Sheriff of Cumbria and successful young people were designed to give students a glimpse of what is needed to succeed at work.


Shelley Hayward, Learning and Development Manager

Story Homes sponsored the event and Shelley Hayward, Learning and Development Manager attended to speak to the students. Shelley said: “It has been a fantastic opportunity for the young people to engage with local businesses and an event such as WOW really ties in with our commitment to young people, ensuring that they are motivated and excited about the world of work.

“We are involved in a lot of initiatives such as this which allows us to reach out to young people and encourage them not only into work, but in our case the construction industry.”

For more information on how Story Homes nurtures Young Talent click here.