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The types of homes we will be building at Kingsbrook Wood

April 2014

Story Homes has a wide range of house types and designs and Kingsbrook Wood will have 10 different styles available to buy. These range from three bedroom detached and semi-detached properties, up to four bedroom detached houses. We know that one size does not fit all and our design team work to create layouts that are suitable for modern or traditional living.

Durham Floorplan

Durham Floorplan

Andy Butler, Architectural Designer for Story Homes said: “Our variety of house types means that there is something to suit every customer and their needs as their family grows or circumstances change. Some of our homes have traditional living layouts, with a separate lounge and dining room. Others are more modern in approach, with open plan kitchen and dining space.

“Externally, the various styles and designs we use mean that our range of homes create stunning street scenes. Using traditional local stone as a feature, we will finish many of the homes with feature gables, brick work and render, making each one different to that of your neighbours. We create traditional designs that look fantastic now but also still look fantastic ten, twenty and thirty years down the line.”

The house types are:

  • Kingston – 3 bed semi with front parking
  • Hastings – 3 bed detached/semi; semis with front parking, detached units with single detached garage
  • Chester – 3 bed detached/semi; all units with single detached garage
  • Carlisle – 4 bed detached with integral garage
  • Wellington – 4 bed detached with integral garage
  • Greenwich – 4 bed detached with integral garage
  • Durham – 4 bed detached with integral garage
  • Boston – 4 bed detached with integral garage
  • Warwick – 4 bed detached with integral garage
  • Taunton – 4 bed detached with integral garage

Our show homes at Kingsbrook Wood will include the four bedroom detached Warwick, the four bedroom detached Wellington (view home) and the four bedroom detached Greenwich types. They will give you a taste of the interior and exterior of our homes, as well as the high quality finish you get with a Story Home.