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Sponsorship helps Dumfries family fun day

June 2015

The Story Homes’ cuddly mascot Builder Bear will be making his appearance at a fun day being held at Heathhall Community Centre in Dumfries on Sunday 14 June.

The event is being organised by Bump, Baby and Beyond (Dumfries and Galloway) for families and entry is free.

Story Homes is sponsoring the event and as well as Builder Bear in attendance there will be lots of activities for children to enjoy: from face painting to cupcake decorating and even a bear hunt.

The fun event will start at 10.00 am and everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy the activities, finishing at 2pm.Dumfries-fun-day-poster

Story Homes’ largest Scottish development is Summerpark in Dumfries and is now occupied by many happy residents. It has proved popular with families, with many of our customers commenting on the family friendly feel of the development.

For further information on our high quality homes at Summerpark, click here.