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Edgehill Park in Whitehaven Reserved Matters application approved

July 2017

We welcome the decision by Copeland Borough Council’s Development Management Committee to grant permission for our proposals to build 96 new homes in Whitehaven.

This forms phases three and four of a ten phase plan for this area of land. Phase one was the development known as Wilson Howe, which is an exclusive executive development of 30 homes. Phase two was the first part of Edgehill Park development, comprising of 109 homes in total.

With regard to local infrastructure contributions, to date Story Homes have paid £548,656 to Copeland Borough Council towards local junction improvements, bus service implementation and a primary school contribution.


View across to The Lakes from Wilson Howe

A contribution of £1,841,966 will be paid towards affordable housing provision and further contributions to the bus service and primary school.  The developer will lease an area of land at the north of the site to Cumbria County Council or other Education Provider for the planned primary school. The Section 106 payments provided by Story Homes to the council now, and in the future, would contribute towards the school building. The setting up and running of the school is the responsibility of Cumbria County Council or other Education Provider alongside the Department for Education.

We look forward to continuing our work in Whitehaven and bringing more of our high quality homes to the area in the future.

Further information can be found on the Edgehill Park section of the website.