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13 charities and community groups to benefit from our Future Story scheme

November 2017

We are pleased to be supporting 13 deserving charities and community groups which applied for funding in the second quarter of our Future Story scheme.

Future Story is our company-wide scheme designed to support sponsorship or donation requests from local charities and community organisations that surround our developments across the North. We accept applications via our website all year round, with a committee in each region reviewing submissions on a quarterly basis.

The homes we build are part of wider communities, so helping charities and groups that neighbour our developments is extremely important to us. We try to support in ways that add long term value, and we are proud of our role in building sustainable communities.

We are delighted to be supporting the following organisations and we look forward to seeing how their projects progress:


  • Appleby Football Club
  • Brampton Parish Council
  • Young Enterprise Cumbria
  • Cockermouth Round Table

North East

  • Middleton St George Community Centre
  • 1801 (Alnwick) Squadron
  • Boulmer Voluntary Rescue Service
  • The Hearth Charity Hub
  • Clara Vale Hall

North West

  • Levens CE School
  • Wattsfield Youth Football Club
  • Clitheroe Pendle Primary School
  • Derian House

We are now inviting charities and community groups to apply for support in our next quarter. Applications for sponsorship, donations or raffle prizes should be made by completing the form here.