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Aerial photos of Cairns Chase, Workington

December 2016

Aerial images show the progress being made at Story Homes development Cairns Chase which is located to close to the town of Workington.

The development of 150 high quality homes, offers beautiful scenery and stunning views making it the perfect place for family living.

Cairns Chase, named after Freddie Cairns (who lived here in late 1800’s), and was affectionately known as the ‘Duke of Workington’, is a place where you can enjoy all the advantages that living in Cumbria brings; from community spirit to the pleasures of the beautiful surrounding countryside.

Sales Manager, Susan Pollard said: “Families are looking for something a bit extra special and our renowned street scene and quality of homes stand out from the crowd – and these photos really show off our development.”

“All this can be enjoyed with the added advantage of a location that puts shopping, entertainment and access to road and rail links almost on your doorstep. ”

Cairns Chase offers a beautiful development of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes, and is ideally located to access local facilities. The Sales Executive is on hand at our marketing suite in Cairns Chase from 10.30am until 4.30pm Thursday to Monday.

Aerial images show the progress being made at Story Homes development Cairns Chase which is located to close to the town of Workington.

The development of 150 high quality homes, offers beautiful scenery and stunning views making it the perfect place for family living.

Cairns Chase, named after Freddie Cairns (who lived here in late 1800’s), and was affectionately known as the ‘Duke of Workington’, is a place where you can enjoy all the advantages that living in Cumbria brings; from community spirit to the pleasures of the beautiful surrounding countryside.

Sales Manager, Susan Pollard said: “Families are looking for something a bit extra special and our renowned street scene and quality of homes stand out from the crowd – and these photos really show off our development.”

“All this can be enjoyed with the added advantage of a location that puts shopping, entertainment and access to road and rail links almost on your doorstep. ”

Cairns Chase offers a beautiful development of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes, and is ideally located to access local facilities. The Sales Executive is on hand at our marketing suite in Cairns Chase from 10.30am until 4.30pm Thursday to Monday.