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Aerial photos of Wilson Howe released

May 2016

Aerial images show the progress being made at our development Wilson Howe which is located to the South of Whitehaven, off St. Bees Road.

The first four residents have now moved into the exclusive scheme of just 30 executive homes with large plots and generous internal living space and gardens.

Sales Manager, Susan Pollard said of Wilson Howe: “Our developments in Whitehaven have always been sought after but we have had requests for some larger homes in the area from our customers. There is certainly a market for this exclusive development of homes, with a higher specification than normal but still maintaining our stamp for a quality finish throughout.

“Families are looking for something a bit extra special and our increased use of red sandstone, slate and landscaping will make Wilson Howe stand out from the crowd. With seven new housetypes with up to 2,138 square feet of living space, Wilson Howe is sure to appeal to those looking for an exclusive new home.”

Our Sales Executive Debbie Whittam is on hand at our marketing suite in Whitehaven to offer advice on availability from 10.30 am until 4.30pm Thursday to Monday.

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