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Application submitted for new homes in Carlisle

June 2017

Story Homes has submitted a Reserved Matters planning application to build 172 high-quality new homes on land at Greymoorhill off Kingstown Road, Carlisle.

Our proposed development is on a site identified for housing in the Carlisle and District Local Plan and has the benefit of outline permission granted in 2015.

The proposals would create a sustainable and integrated development that would make an important contribution to the district’s housing supply.

Adam McNally, Planner at Story Homes in Cumbria, said: “The scheme will include attractive new street frontage with a central public open space and SUDS pond on a key approach to the city. There shall be 34 affordable homes for eligible local people and all dwellings will be set within sensitively designed landscaped gardens, paths and roads.”


As part of the application Story Homes will make the following contributions:

  • £623,500 towards local primary school place provision (based on 172 homes)
  • £56,020 towards offsite play and recreation areas
  • £25,000 contributions towards California Way Public Right of Way improvement
  • £6,664 towards Travel Plan monitoring.

Adam continued: “Our scheme at Greymoorhill has been through a comprehensive design process including positive engagement from nearby residents. We retain a firm commitment to designing and building high specification homes and environments.  We believe our proposals at Greymoorhill represent another high quality Story Homes development for Carlisle.”

The proposed development would deliver a mix of 22 house types varying from two-bed bungalows to five-bed executive homes, and up to 20% of these new homes will be affordable.

Full details of the application will be available to view at Carlisle City Council website using application no 17/0480. A decision on the application is anticipated in August 2017.