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Application submitted for new homes in Wetheral

October 2017

We have submitted a Reserved Matters application to build 41 high quality new homes in the village of Wetheral in Cumbria.

Our planned development would be located on land west of Steele’s Bank in the village, comprising of 41 homes and the associated infrastructure. The proposals would create a sustainable and integrated development that would make an important contribution to the district’s housing supply. This follows Carlisle City Council’s decision to grant outline consent for up to 50 units on this site in September 2016.

The proposed development would deliver a mix of house types from two-bedroom terraced to five-bedroom detached homes. In addition, 30% of the new properties would be affordable homes.

If the application is approved, we will be providing £120,000 towards the expansion of nearby Cumwhinton Primary School, £33,250 towards transport for secondary school children and £10,500 towards extension of a local footpath. We would also contribute £92,393 to off site recreation. This includes football pitch and changing room improvements in Wetheral, with any remaining funds going towards the improvement of play facilities at Wetheral playing field.

The proposals also incorporate new traffic calming measures, including a gateway feature and road narrowing.

Adam McNally, Land Manager at Story Homes, said: “Wetheral is a highly desirable location and subject to planning permission, we look forward to bringing a high specification Story Homes development that is fitting to the village.

“We have sought to address local issues raised at the outline application. Our plans include attractive street scenes and open space, local highways improvements, and affordable housing for local people. We will also make financial contributions towards meeting the education needs arising from our development. In addition, we will deliver economic benefits back into the local area by supporting existing local businesses and employing local subcontractors and suppliers.

“We hope that the Council will recognise the value of our proposals and grant planning permission so that we can start work on this development and bring new homes to Wetheral.”

A decision on the Reserved Matters application is expected in February 2018.

Further information can be found the planning pages of the Story Homes website, where you can also register your interest in this development.