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An exclusive look behind the scenes at Willows Edge

July 2017

Our team at Willows Edge opened the doors to site for an exclusive look at our first homes in Wrea Green on Saturday 8 July, as the first roof went on the four-bedroom detached Winchester show home.

Visitors joined us for afternoon tea and fizz whilst they viewed, for the very first time, what our latest development in Lancashire looks like as we opened up a private viewing platform. Customers also got information on the full range of house types available, plus had the opportunity to speak to an independent financial advisor and estate agent to ensure they had all the information they needed to purchase a new Story Home.

Sales manager Richard Kitson said: “I’m delighted that we could give our customers an exclusive preview at our latest development in Wrea Green as the first roof goes on the show home. It’s another step forward in bringing this development to life.”

Twelve homes have been released for sale with five homes already reserved. The first families will be moving in to their homes in Autumn / Winter 2017.