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Builder Bear ready for Dearham Carnival

June 2014

The annual Dearham Carnival and Fun Day near Maryport is all set for the upcoming weekend. Story Homes’ mascot Builder Bear will be taking part and we can’t wait for the big day.


Builder Bear alongside festival goers!

Builder Bear will be part of the carnival procession which will travel through the heart of the village, and then on to Dearham School field for the Fun Day – it’s free entry too! The fun day will consist of bouncy castles, ice-cream, face painting, crafts, sweet and cake stalls, magic shows, entertainment, food, plus lots more.

The Dearham Carnival and Fun Day makes for a great day out for the whole family. This year’s event takes place at Dearham Primary School on Saturday 28 June and starts around 1.30pm.

Story Homes will have a stall at the school where you will be able to find out more about our Cumbria developments including St Mungo’s Close which is located in Dearham. Builder Bear will also join us at the stall to hand out balloons, sweets and pose for photos; make sure you come and see him!

The carnival parade will be broken up into different categories where awards and prize money will be given to participants. Story Homes are proud to have sponsored the awards and donated the prize money to be handed out to the winners. There’s always a fantastic range of entries which provide some great entertainment.

We are really excited for the day and hope you get chance to come and see us at our stand. Remember, Dearham Carnival is free and is sure to be a really fun day. For more information visit their Facebook page.