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Chamber of Commerce memberships boost partnership working

October 2013

Story Homes has signed up to become business members of two local Chambers of Commerce.NECC-logo

As members of the North East Chamber of Commerce and the North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, Story Homes can network with other businesses and potentially work together on projects.

The North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce provides business information, business networking, training, seminars, a wide range of business services, international trade services, business information tools, legal advice and HR services. The 1600 members provide more than half of private sector jobs in the area.

The North East Chamber of Commerce gives members a voice to influence decision making at a national, regional and local level. They also offer help and support to businesses in the region.

Story Homes is growing in both the Lancashire area and the North East Region, with new developments underway or in the pipeline. As a result of this growth, we are continually looking for high quality, reliable and flexible sub contractors to work with us.

To find out more about working with us click here.