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Completed development recycling scores show sustainable progress

March 2014

Mabel Wood

Mabel Wood Development, Great Clifton

Almost 100% of construction waste material taken off site at a recently completed Story Homes development were recycled and diverted from landfill waste.

The Mabel Wood development in Great Clifton, Cumbria, had a recycling rate of 98.7%. This applies to each skip of waste material which is removed from the development site by partner organisation Reconomy. The materials are then recycled where possible.

The industry requirement for recycling waste taken off a construction site is 85%+. At present each one of Story Homes live developments is diverting between 89% and 100% from landfill. Story Homes has a site waste management plan for each project, setting targets and ensuring that all waste is segregated and dealt with appropriately and safely, and recycled or reused where possible.

The type of materials usually taken away by skip to be recycled includes wood, plaster board, cardboard and glass. In total, Mabel Wood, a development of 46 homes, had 155.2 tons of waste and 153.21 tons were recycled. Reconomy estimated that the development would create 329 tons of waste, using statistics relating to house sizes and number of plots. Story Homes were able to reduce this significantly.

Reconomy Skips

Mabel Wood had a Recycling Rate of 98.7%

Simon McClelland, Sustainable Homes Advisor for Story Homes said: “By using a management company who have bought in to sustainable development and recycling, we are able to ensure that as much material as possible is reused or recycled, diverting as much as possible from going to landfill. Our waste management provider gives us the resource we need to monitor and evaluate our scores regularly, ensuring we play an important part in recycling and keeping our developments as ‘green’ as possible. We are particularly proud of our scores for Mabel Wood and we will continue to make future improvements wherever possible.”