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Consultation event for phase two of Strawberry Grange, Cockermouth

February 2017

Story Homes are proposing to submit a reserved matters planning application to build up to 224 houses on land at Strawberry How, Cockermouth.phase-2-reserved-matters-strawberry-grange

The public consultation event relates to the Phase 2 Reserved Matters proposed planning application for residential development Land off Strawberry How, Cockermouth.

The event is to be held on Monday 6th March at The All Saints Rooms, Kirkgate, Cockermouth, CA13 9PJ from 3pm until 7pm.

Proposed plans for future planning submission shall include broad mixture of housing including detached, semi-detached and terraced family housing.  Up to 100 of these homes shall be identified as affordable homes.

The development will provide the local community with a range of high quality, high specification homes and would make an important contribution towards the affordable housing supply of homes in Cockermouth.

The development will inevitably bring economic benefits to the area during the construction phase, including the creation of jobs for local sub-contractors and knock on support for local businesses and supply chains.

Display boards will be used during the public consultation event to illustrate and explain the draft proposals with representatives of the development team available to answer any questions that you may have.

Following the exhibition, the development team will seek to address, wherever possible, comments raised prior to submission of the planning application.  Comments made during the consultation event will be summarised and submitted to the Council as part of a future planning application.

Story Homes development planner, Adam McNally said: “This consultation event is an opportunity for residents from the local area to understand our second phase proposals to the north of Tom Rudd Beck that have the benefit of outline planning permission.  We are very much open to positive discussion and comments to help inform the proposals.  In similar recent consultation events, Story Homes has been able to progress with suggestions based upon public comments”.

In the event that you are unable to attend the exhibition, you will be able to view the presentation material and download comments forms from our website from March 6.  The consultation will last for 2 weeks with comments to be received by end of Monday 20 March.

The public consultation will take place on Monday 6 March at The All Saints Rooms, Kirkgate, Cockermouth, CA13 9PJ from 3pm until 7pm.