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Consultation on draft Masterplan on land South of Blackpool Road, Poulton-le-Fylde

January 2020

The Blackpool Road draft Masterplan is a development framework designed to deliver some 300 homes, a new primary school and a car park to serve Poulton-le-Fylde town centre.

A draft Masterplan has been produced and members of the local community are invited to attend a drop in consultation session on Friday 17 January from 1.00pm to 6.30pm at St Martin and St Hilda’s Church Hall, Fleetwood Road, Carleton, FY6 7NU.

The consultation is being hosted by Story Homes, Applethwaite Homes, Baxter Homes and will be attended by their representatives and officers from Wyre Council planning team.

The local community and stakeholders are invited to attend to learn more about the Masterplan proposals and process, ask questions and tell us their views.

You can view the consultation material (including a summary leaflet and consultation form to take away) at Wyre Council website. This information is also available to view at Wyre Civic Centre and Poulton-le-Fylde library.

The Masterplan is in draft form for public and stakeholder consultation and all comments should be submitted to Wyre Council by 5pm on Friday 24 January 2020.