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Consultation to discuss plans for new homes in Hornby, Lancaster

June 2017

We will consult with the public on Wednesday 14 June 2017 on proposed plans to bring new homes to Hornby in Lancaster.

We are proposing to submit a detailed planning application to build 80 houses on land at Melling Road in Hornby. Proposed plans include a mixture of semi-detached and detached family homes, some of these new houses are likely to be affordable.

The development will provide the local community with a range of high quality, high specification homes and would make an important contribution towards maintaining the vitality of the village.

We have paid careful attention to Hornby’s different forms of development, architecture, appearance and materials. Each will help to generate the character, quality and distinctiveness of the development.

The development will inevitably bring economic benefits to the area during the construction phase, including the creation of jobs for local sub-contractors and knock on support for local businesses and supply chains.

Development planner, Martin Nugent said: “This consultation event is an opportunity for residents from the local area to understand the proposals and come forward with comments to help inform the final plans for the development.

“Story Homes builds beautifully finished, high quality and high specification homes which are built using local materials and labour where possible and will create a community which will integrate well within the village.”

Story Homes is well known in Lancashire and Cumbria as a builder of aspirational family homes, having been established for 30 years.

The public consultation will take place on Wednesday 14 June 2017 between 3.30pm and 7.00pm at Hornby Institute, Main Street, Hornby, LA2 8JR.

Following the consultation, all responses will be reviewed and where possible incorporated into the proposed development.

For more information about developments in the planning stage visit our land and planning page.