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COVID-19 Site Re-opening Strategy

April 2020

Along with other businesses within the construction sector, Story Homes continues to adapt and respond to the challenges faced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

From 24 March, we took the difficult decision to temporarily close all Story Homes sites and we are now able to provide an update regarding our strategy for resuming building works.

We are now carrying out a phased approach to the re-opening of our live developments, with our overriding priority being the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers, employees and subcontractors.

We will re-open 1 or 2 sites in each of our regions on a trial basis and our immediate aim is to safely help as many customers as possible into their new homes. The UK Government fully supports our efforts in ensuring that construction works continue in a safe manner, and our staff and subcontractors are aware of the essential Government guidance issued regarding safe working and social distancing.

Following guidance from the Construction Leadership Council, we have created a thorough Health & Safety briefing pack for all staff and subcontractors entering our sites and will continue to supervise and monitor all on-site activity.

If you have any further questions about this update please send them via email to: