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Cumbria & Scotland Sales team donate Christmas toys to kids in need

December 2019

Rather than buying each other Christmas presents this year, the Story Homes Cumbria & Scotland Sales team have instead decided to use the money to buy toys for CFM’s Mission Christmas, Cash For Kids, for the second year running.

1 in 3 children are living in poverty and for many, Christmas is a reminder of how little they have. Cash for Kids is a charity whose mission is to ensure that less fortunate children across the region will wake up to a toy on Christmas Day.

Hayley Blair, Head of Sales for Cumbria & Scotland said: “Whilst for most of us Christmas is a joyful time of year, for those who are less fortunate, it can also be a very sad time. Every child deserves to experience the magic of Christmas and we are thrilled to be able to donate toys and games to this extremely worthwhile charity within our region. It’s really humbling to see local children benefiting from this fantastic initiative.”