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Story Homes take part in Dream Placement development day

February 2017

This month young people from across Cumbria will spend half term learning about leadership and careers with the county’s top businesses and organisations in Dream Placement 2017.

On Saturday 28 January, all successful candidates took part in the Dream Placement 2017 Development Day.

The 16- to 18-year-olds were selected from more than 200 applicants and won through a tough selection process to win unique opportunities to see companies and organisations from the inside and learn about leadership from their top management teams.

Now in its fourth year, Dream Placement is about attracting and retaining talent, how to spotlight what those businesses do, and to show young people the breadth of fantastic opportunities for them in the county.

Sarah Glass, of the Centre for Leadership Performance, which runs the scheme, said: ” We have a terrific record of success with host companies and the young people who have taken part in the programme.

They are all hugely enthusiastic about the difference it makes and the relationships it builds for every young person entering. The students also understand that even if they don’t win a place, the selection process is an unmissable experience.”

Story Homes are one of more than 40 companies and organisations supporting the Dream Placement initiative hosting placements during half term in February 2017.