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Eden District council approves plans for homes in Clifton, Penrith

September 2016

Story Homes are pleased to announce that we have secured planning permission to build 59 new homes in Clifton, Penrith.

The village is the site of the final battle in England  in 1745, between Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Duke of Cumberland  and the infamous ‘Rebel Tree’ will be preserved as prominent feature of the development. Inspired by this historic tree, the development is to be known as ‘The Oaks.’

“We’re delighted to have our plans approved. Clifton is a sought after spot and a great location for accessing local attractions including The Lake District. ” said Adam McNally, Story Homes’ Planner.

We will build 59  high quality homes on the land behind the popular George and Dragon country estate Inn on the A6 and in doing so will support the local authority meet its required housing numbers for the area. The development will also deliver 30% of affordable homes which are designated for local people.

Adam added: “Our reputation has been built on designing and building homes which contribute to the character of the local area and our scheme in Clifton is no different.  This will be our second venture in Clifton which shall be built with the same high build standards to create another quality housing development for all to enjoy”.

The development is expected to help create over 253 new jobs directly and indirectly through the use of local sub-contractors and the supply chain. Statistics from the Homes Builders Federation show that, every house built creates on average 4.3 new jobs.

Story Homes will also make financial contributions  of £90,000 towards the parish council towards improving community facilities in the village and the infamous ‘Rebel Tree’ will be preserved as prominent feature of the development.