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Exclusive first photos from new show home at The Willows

January 2020

Ahead of its official opening this weekend (18/19 January), we are excited to share the first photos from inside our brand new luxury show home at The Willows in Blackwell, Darlington.

Click through the images below for an exclusive first look at the five-bedroom, detached ‘Fairhaven’ property which is the first show home of its kind. The property has been beautifully styled by our talented interior designers Abode, and allows potential homebuyers to see the space, quality features and attention to detail that set Story homes apart.

Join us on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 January to celebrate the opening of the Fairhaven and see inside the stunning property for yourself.

For more information about The Willows call our Sales Executives on 01740 768382 or email The new show home will be open Thursday-Monday, 11am – 5pm.

Ahead of its official opening this weekend (18/19 January), we are excited to share the first photos from inside our brand new luxury show home at The Willows in Blackwell, Darlington.

Click through the images below for an exclusive first look at the five-bedroom, detached ‘Fairhaven’ property which is the first show home of its kind. The property has been beautifully styled by our talented interior designers Abode, and allows potential homebuyers to see the space, quality features and attention to detail that set Story homes apart.

Join us on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 January to celebrate the opening of the Fairhaven and see inside the stunning property for yourself.

For more information about The Willows call our Sales Executives on 01740 768382 or email new show home will be open Thursday-Monday, 11am – 5pm.