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Family of three move into new home at St Mungo’s Close, Dearham

June 2014

Antonella and Stephen Picture 1 Antonella Fulton and her husband Stephen took advantage of the Government’s NewBuy scheme to help them buy a brand new family home when baby Harry arrived.

Antonella, 28, Stephen, 34 and 17 week old Harry have just moved into their ideal home in Dearham, Cumbria. The couple had heard about Story Homes St. Mungo’s close development in the village and then heard an advert about NewBuy on the local radio station. They decided to visit the sales adviser for a chat about their options and reserved plot 76, a three bedroom semi detached ‘Aspen’ house type.

Antonella said: “We had heard about the development after seeing the sales cabin in the local village and hearing the adverts on the radio. We were looking for a bigger family home and when we heard about NewBuy on the radio we decided to find out more.

“Our own property had been on the market but it seemed to make sense to use NewBuy and part exchange our own house at the same time. It came at a good time really and meant that we had a little bit of spare cash to ourselves. The main thing was that we were not stretching our budget to an unreasonable extent.

“We are really looking forward to moving into a brand new house as there is no work for us to do. The warranty is reassuring too as it means we don’t have to spend on any repairs in the next ten years.

“Story Homes were fantastic. The homes are beautiful and they have a lovely finish. The service we received was excellent and we had good communication throughout. They were quick and responsive and all of the information about NewBuy was easy to understand. It was stress free too as the mortgage adviser dealt with everything on our behalf.”

Antonella, a teacher, and Stephen, a civil servant, moved into their new home with baby Harry in September 2013.