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First look at artist impressions of St John’s Manor

January 2020

We are delighted to share an exclusive first look at artist impressions of our new development in Callerton, St John’s Manor.

St John’s Manor will be a high-quality development of 192 homes. It will feature a mixture of 3, 4 and 5-bedroom detached and semi-detached homes from The Story Collection, each strong in build and character.

The attractive exteriors will incorporate stone, brick and render, making the street scenes unique and each home different.

As well as exquisite exteriors, internally there will be designs that reflect modern living, giving more space in each room. Each home has a high specification throughout that includes integrated kitchen appliances and many other features as standard; fencing, turf, patios and bi-fold doors to name a few.

We are looking to launch St John’s Manor to the public in early April. You can view the artist impressions of the new development below.