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Investing in young talent at Copeland Skills Fair

November 2017

On Thursday 2 November we were on hand at the Copeland Skills Fair to promote Story Homes as the perfect company to build a career with.

The event was a great opportunity to let all of the young talent who came on the day know about the development and career opportunities we offer, helping them to find out what potential career paths they could go down based on their interests.

Louise Mackenzie, Learning & Development Advisor at Story Homes, said: “It has been a great opportunity for us to meet lots of people and let them know how many career options there are with Story Homes. We offer so many opportunities such as work experience, career development, apprenticeship and graduate schemes, all of which aim to help people identify their career preferences whilst we build our future workforce.”

We were a main sponsor for the skills fair. Shelley Hayward, Talent and Development Manager for Story Homes, said: “We were delighted to support an event which helps young people to develop, and find out more information on the career paths they can take to match their interests and skills.

“This was a great opportunity for Story Homes to speak to so many enthusiastic young people who are looking to start their career, and promote the house building industry as a fantastic industry to start a career in.”

Louise was joined at the event by Clare Hewer, Training & Onboarding Advisor, and Mike McCauley, Site Manager for Story Homes.