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Join us as we open the doors to a new view home at Willows Edge, Wrea Green

November 2019

You may have heard about our high specification, solidly built homes. But we appreciate that you might want to know more about them. And, just as importantly, how to buy one.

On Saturday 9 November, we are delighted to be opening the doors to a new view home in Wrea Green, which is ready to move into.

The four-bedroom, detached Arundel view home has been dressed to allow potential home buyers the opportunity see the space, quality features and attention to detail that set these homes apart.

We are inviting visitors to Willows Edge to look around the last remaining homes, which also includes a three-bedroom Banbury dormer bungalow.

Come along to chat and our experienced Sales team to find out more about the exclusive development – which includes a range of three, four and five-bedroom family homes, plus two and three-bedroom bungalows.

However large or small your budget, there really is something for everyone. For more information, call into the marketing suite on Saturday 9 November from 10.30am to 5.30pm.