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Kingmoor Park Carlisle

September 2012

Kingmoor Park Carlisle will soon have a new housing development nearby brought by Story Homes. The Crindledyke Farm development is situated on the northern edge of the historic city of Carlisle and close to Kingmoor Park.

The development provides a new urban ‘village’ and for those seeking a new property with enhanced energy efficiencies and many extras as standard, set in an idyllic location and offering easy access to Carlisle, the M6 Motorway and the Lake District, then this stunning new executive development of 2, 3, and 4-bedroom properties couldn’t be more perfect.

Crindledyke Farm, close to Kingmoor Park Carlisle, is due to be released in the autumn and comprises of a mix of detached, semi-detached, townhouses, apartments and bungalows – something for everyone.

Story Homes is renowned for creating stunning street scenes, blending stone and brick facades to great effect on their award winning developments and Crindledyke Farm is no exception; Houses here will meet level 3 of the Code for Substantial Homes.

If you are interested in any of the homes here near Kingmoor Park Carlisle then please visit our website or Facebook page for more information and to arrange a viewing.