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Local community benefit from financial contributions in Scotby, Carlisle

March 2015

The local community in Scotby near Carlisle is set to benefit from financial contributions made by Story Homes.

The housebuilder has made large financial payments to Cumbria County Council and Carlisle City Council as part of the Alders Edge development in the village.

Scotby Church of England Primary School has received £132,561 to allow the school to grow, either through new classrooms or improvements to the existing building. The development is expected to create demand for up to eleven new places in the school in the future.

The City Council has been given £50,000 by Story Homes to make improvements to the existing park area in the village and maintain the park in the future, for the benefit of the whole community.

The Alders Edge development, which has brought 45 homes to the village, started in 2013 and is now sold out, with the build due to be completed later this year.

Story Homes has nearby developments at The Ridings in Carlisle, Crindledyke Farm, near Carlisle and The Grange in Dalston.