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Lucky Adam wins our gourmet mini-cruise prize

August 2015

Story Homes competition winner Adam Sturgeon knows where he’ll be spending his next birthday – happily enjoying his prize on a DFDS mini-cruise to Amsterdam!

Adam entered our Story Living magazine summer competition after visiting the Story Homes website.DFDS Seaways4

Adam is from Darlington in County Durham, and thanked Story Homes for his prize.

His gourmet mini-break includes two nights on the DFDS ferry from Newcastle to Amsterdam, coach transfers to and from Amsterdam and meals in the Blue Riband a la carte restaurant one way and in the 7 Seas buffet restaurant the other way.

The ferry has a casino, cinema and Champagne bar, as well as live entertainment – you can find out more about mini-cruises at

“I was really surprised and pleased to win!” said Adam.

“The timing is absolutely perfect as it’s going to be my birthday in October when I plan to take the cruise. I’m going to take my partner Lauren – and some of our friends are also going to book onto the same cruise so we can really celebrate.”