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Macmillan Coffee Morning at The Woodlands this Saturday

September 2016


The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is coming to The Woodlands in Shotley Bridge this weekend.

On Saturday 1st October at 11.00am, sales executives Lisa and Siobhan will welcome members of the community to enjoy a sweet treat to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Lisa Merritt, sales executive at The Woodlands, said: “We are really looking forward to hosting our first Macmillan Coffee Morning at The Woodlands this year. The kitchen in our Slaley show home is beautiful, so we thought it would be the perfect venue.

“I hope that current residents and also members of the wider community take time to pop along. We’ll have homemade cakes and fresh coffee available all day.”

Money raised will go towards helping Macmillan to provide emotional, practical and financial support to people living with cancer and their families.