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Morpeth planning decision to be appealed

May 2015

A decision to refuse plans for new homes in Morpeth will be appealed by housebuilder Story Homes.

Northumberland County Council refused Story Homes’ plans for 39 new executive homes on the edge of Morpeth in early March 2015.

The proposals for the site, known as Peacock Gap, were supported by officers and external consultees; however Members decided to refuse the application for two reasons. The first related to height, massing and design of the proposals and the second relating to highway safety concerns.

James Johnson, Development Planner for Story Homes said: “Our plans for this site incorporated a whole new housetype range specifically designed for this site taking in to consideration local context and the sites location, we also considered as part of the proposals to realign Fulbeck Lane and the A192 junction to create a safe access point not only for the development proposals but also for user of Fulbeck Lane.

“We were disappointed that our original plan was refused but we do still feel that this application through the appeal process will be approved and work on site can then commence in earnest”.

Story Homes’ original plans included 39 executive 4 and 5 bedroom homes. A contribution for affordable housing would also have been provided to the local authority to support the delivery of affordable homes for local people within the town.

The appeal has now been submitted by Story Homes. For more information about the application visit the Land and Planning pages at