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Move over Summer, the new school year is here!

September 2016

No doubt many of you will be breathing a sigh of relief that the holidays are over and a level of normality can resume.

The children have inevitably outgrown their uniform over the summer, but did you feel like they’ve outgrown your home as well? Were you were tripping over each other in the house, or fighting for some peace and quiet in the living room while they play noisy computer games? Maybe it’s time to move home and all have your own space.

What do you need? A separate space for the teenagers? A play room that can spill out in the garden? An extra bedroom?

A townhouse could be the solution, as they offer such flexibility. The teenagers could be separated from the rest of the family on the top floor with their own bathroom and living room or even have their bedroom on the ground floor with French doors into the garden, that way you can keep the room well aired!

The ‘Lauriston’ is perfect for a range of different buyers. It’s traditional in that it has a ground floor kitchen and a room that could be used family dining area but it could be a play room, a bedroom, a music room or lounge…. The first floor features a bedroom (or office?) and a spacious lounge (or another bedroom if the lounge is downstairs) and then a two further bedrooms on the second floor, which could also be your master bedroom and the adults living room.

The options really are endless.

To get a better impression of this beautiful house, stop by to experience the quality and high specification for yourself  at our show home at Summerpark in Dumfries. The site is open daily from 10.30am – 4.30pm. For further information call 07966496184 or visit our development pages.