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House builder creates new public car park at St Bees, Cumbria

April 2010

St Bees car park from Story Homes

The car park, located within the popular Fairladies housing site, has 15 spaces plus two disabled bays and is available for public use. The car park links to the footpath into St Bees allowing access to the main-street and shops. The Parish Council has adopted the car park and footpath and will take over their future management.

The car park has been made possible in association with the development of Fairladies which is now fully complete and sold out. The car park is being handed over following the sale of the last 2-bedroom apartment in March. Story Homes remain proactive with regards to community initiatives and see this as an important facility for residents and visitors to the coastal town.

Peter Smith from St Bees Parish Council said ‘The car park will be available for public use and will help to reduce the congestion caused by on-street parking in the narrow village streets. The footpath will provide a useful pedestrian link between the Fairladies estate and the main street and will be much welcomed by the residents of properties on Fairladies.’

Richard Cannon of Story Homes commented ‘This new car park will offer much needed car parking for St Bees. It is located close to the centre and is easily accessible. The Fairladies development is now finished and as well as having a development at Lingla Gardens in Rheda, we will soon start work on a new site at Magellan Park in Whitehaven.’