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New Homes coming soon to Penrith

September 2016

Story Homes is bringing an impressive development of sought after new homes to Penrith.fairways cgi 2

Eden District Council has agreed to approve our proposals to build 98 high quality new homes on land located just off Salkeld Road, Penrith, to be known as Fairways.

The site had been identified by Eden District Council as a preferred option for housing allocation in the local plan and these homes will create a sustainable and integrated development that will make an important contribution to the local housing supply.

Fairways will feature a superb collection of 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedroom terraced, semi detached and detached properties offering up to 2,138 sq ft of living space. As well as boasting a high specification throughout, the homes will feature attractive exteriors incorporating brick, render and stone, adding to the charm of the area and creating the stunning street scenes for which Story Homes is renowned.

As well as bringing much needed high quality properties to the market to help achieve growing demand for housing in the town, Fairways will deliver 23 affordable homes for local people.

The affordable housing element includes 10 properties to be managed by a social landlord and 13 properties to be sold at a discounted rate to local people who meet criteria set by the local authority.

To register your interest please add your details below and we will be in touch with you as soon as we are able to provide more information about Fairways.

We hope to start work later this year, with the first homes expected to be released in spring 2017.