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New homes in Cumwhinton, Cumbria

January 2017

Story Homes has secured planning permission to build 22 new homes in Cumwhinton, Cumbria.

Story Homes will build 22 high quality homes on the land off Peter Gate next to Cumwhinton Primary School. The development is to be known as ‘Edenholme Park.’

“We’re delighted to have our plans approved, Cumwhinton is a desirable village and there is already lots of interest. Our reputation has been built on designing and building homes which contribute to the character of the local area and our scheme in Cumwhinton is no different.” said Adam McNally, Story Homes’ Planner.

The developer will also make financial contributions of £90,940 towards the improving and enhancing of the education facilities at Cumwhinton Primary School.

Adam added: “As part of the development we will be gifting a parcel of land and to the County Council to extend the school facilities as appropriate which will address the existing highways constraints.”

The council have indicated that the land could be used for staff car parking and a school hall, but are looking into various options.

Edenholme Park will support the local authority to meet its required housing numbers for the area. The development would deliver a mix of semi-detached and detached dwellings, with a mixture of 3,4 and 5 beds. There shall be four affordable homes for local people included within this development.

The development is expected to help create nearly 100 new jobs directly and indirectly through the use of local sub-contractors and the supply chain. Statistics from the Homes Builders Federation show that, for every house built, it creates on average 4.3 new jobs.

Construction is scheduled to start in the Spring.