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New marketing suite opening at St Martin’s Green, Kirklevington

October 2020

We are delighted to share the news that we are opening the doors to our new marketing suite at St Martin’s Green, Kirklevington on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 October.

Visitors will be able to view the full range of house types and speak to our experienced Sales Executive Nicola on site to find out more information about the development and homes available.

We know you are excited to see our two new show homes at St Martin’s Green, we are too, but unfortunately, we aren’t ready to open the doors to our new show homes just yet.

So, for now, our helpful Sales Executive Nicola will be available for appointments with customers in our marketing suite at the development in Kirklevington.

St Martin’s Green will be a high-quality development of homes from The Story Collection, each strong in build and character. We have released the first three, four and five-bedroom homes for sale at the development.

We have a limited number of appointments available at this highly anticipated development, so please book today to secure yours and avoid disappointment.

To book an appointment with Nicola on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 October between 10am and 5pm, you can visit our St Martin’s Green development page and click ‘book an appointment’. Or alternatively you can give us a call, Thursday-Monday on 0191 303 6985.