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New team to lead on quality and customer experience

July 2017

We have committed to further enhancing our customer experience with the appointments of a Head of Customer Experience and Communications and a Quality Assurance Project Manager.

We have promoted two of our existing employees into the new roles. With significant investment already made into developing a market-leading customer journey to both new and existing customers, the team will work closely with our customer service managers and production departments to ensure that customers’ expectations are exceeded when they purchase a Story Home.

Tracy Calvert, who has been part of our brand department for four years, now leads the new department as Head of Customer Experience and Communications.

Tracy is joined by Adam Osliff, Quality Assurance Project Manager, who has worked as part of our site-based production team for 13 years and will be focused on ensuring that all office-based and site-based teams consistently deliver a high quality product and service.

This will be achieved by collecting and analysing feedback from our customer surveys and production teams to give a greater understanding of areas that can be improved, and putting processes in place to ensure quality standards are clear and implemented as our business grows.

Tracy Calvert commented: “Adam and I are delighted to have the opportunity to lead on quality and customer experience, and are looking forward to using our combined skills to enhance and tailor each customer’s journey with us and to focus on further improving quality across the business.

“We have invested in new technologies which will launch later this year, including a customer portal hosting all the key information throughout the home-buying process. Combined with a dedicated team in place, this will enable us to identify the areas of the customer experience we need to improve and prioritise making these changes.”

Our CEO, Steve Errington, said: “We have placed strong focus on quality and customer service throughout the 30 years that Story Homes has been in business. To maintain this commitment at a time of significant growth is a real testament to our passionate teams in the office and on site. With ambitious future plans, we recognise that we need to continue to invest in maintaining and improving our customer experience and quality standards as we expand.

“Having worked with Tracy and Adam for a number of years already, I’m confident that they are well-placed to lead on this and ensure we remain at the forefront of the housebuilding industry in terms of quality and customer experience.”