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North East employees help children at Percy Hedley start their Christmas Story

December 2016

Employees from our North East office have brought the magic of Christmas to disabled children living in a local residential facility.

After a recent visit to The Percy Hedley Foundation’s Bradbury View Residential and Short Break Facility in Killingworth, we became aware that the staff were looking for donations of Christmas decorations to help make the residential areas more festive for the children.

As a result, we donated five seven-foot Christmas trees and decorations which the facility will be able to use for years to come.

Eight employees from Story Homes spent an afternoon decorating the facility just in time for the children to come home from school to the surprise and meet Builder Bear who was on hand to help.

Barbara Bolam, Head of Residential Services at Percy Hedley, said: “We were absolutely delighted when Story Homes offered to donate Christmas decorations to Bradbury View. All of the staff had been thinking about where we could find a tree and some baubles from, so for Story Homes to step in and cover everything was absolutely brilliant.

“We now have five trees which mean children in all of the residential pods can have decorations to enjoy. They are beautiful and great quality so we will be able to use them for years to come. It means such a lot to us that Story Homes has helped to make the children’s first Christmas at Bradbury View a special one.”

Managing director for Story Homes North East, Ian Worgan, said: “Percy Hedley is a significant charity in our region which does an amazing job to provide specialist and personalised care to disabled people. We were very pleased to be able to help bring some festive cheer for the children and staff at Bradbury View – the reaction when the children came home from school was priceless.

“For almost 30 years Story Homes has built up a reputation for supporting the communities in the areas surrounding its developments across Cumbria. We are proud to continue this as we further expand into the North East region and are working to build up stronger relationships with charities and community groups as we grow.”