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Outline planning permission granted for Wrea Green homes

January 2016

Story Homes has successfully secured outline planning permission for up to 100 new homes in Wrea Green.

We were granted outline permission last week by the Planning Inspectorate for the homes on land off Willow Drive, following a four-day inquiry in December 2015.

The site will provide a range of high quality and high specification detached and semi-detached family homes.

Wrea Green 1 as proposed a

How the development entrance may look

David Hayward, Development Planner for Story Homes said: “We are delighted with the Planning Inspectorate’s decision to grant outline planning permission for up to 100 new homes in this sustainable location.

“The scheme has been extremely well thought out and is not only high-quality, but will also complement the existing character of the village and provide open space for the use of the whole community. The homes will also help boost the supply of much needed new homes and make a contribution towards the supply of affordable housing in the Fylde.

“Our proposals will also provide local contractors with opportunities for work, and there will be knock on benefits for local supply chains and other local businesses and services.”

The plans will help the local authority address the under-delivery of housing in the Fylde by boosting the supply. It would also offer up to 30% affordable housing to address the needs in the borough.

The plans also include open space which would be enjoyed by the whole community.

Vincent Ryan of Barton Willmore, who represented Story Homes at the Public Inquiry, said: “We are delighted that the Inspector has endorsed the case that we put forward at the planning inquiry.

“He rightly concluded that the impact of the development upon the setting and character of Wrea Green would be acceptable, and that the scheme represents sustainable development in a sustainable location.

“This aligns with the Government’s commitment to deliver more homes to address the well documented housing crisis.”

The planning permission follows earlier refusals of a 100 unit outline scheme in September 2014, and a 49 unit outline scheme in January 2015.

A revised outline scheme for 49 homes was approved in October 2015. The latest news means the site now has approval for up to 100 homes.

The development will provide opportunities for local contractors as well as benefits for local supply chains. Employment opportunities would be created both directly through Story Homes and indirectly through the knock on effect for local businesses.

Story Homes has another development in the Fylde area, with houses currently on sale at Brookwood Park, a development of 117 homes off Blackpool Road in Kirkham.