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Part Exchange weekend at Fallows Park, Wynyard

January 2020

On Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 January we are delighted to be sharing helpful information about our popular Part Exchange scheme at our Fallows Park show home in Wynyard.

Over the course of the weekend, our knowledgeable Sales Executives will be on hand from 11.00am – 5.00pm to provide Part Exchange advice to those thinking about buying a new build home. Visitors are invited to come along, enjoy a glass of fizz and learn more about why Part Exchange could be the perfect option for you.

With our Part Exchange scheme, Story Homes buys your property for up to 100 per cent of its market value, effectively acting as a cash buyer for the house. A major advantage of the scheme is that you don’t get caught up in a chain with the possibility of losing your buyer or have to worry about any last-minute hitches. With no estate agent fees and no chain, Part Exchange takes away the stress of a house move. We’ll buy your current house while you buy a Story home, helping you to move into your dream property more quickly and easily.

Our Part Exchange weekend will be a fantastic opportunity for house-hunters to come along and speak to our Sales Executives who can share information out about the purchasing schemes we have available on selected homes. If you wish to find out more information please call 01740 768342 or email