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Planning appeal submitted for new homes in Dumfries

July 2014

A planning appeal has now been submitted for new homes in Heathhall, Dumfries.

Story Homes has submitted the appeal against Dumfries and Galloway Council’s decision to refuse detailed plans for up to 207 new homes in the town.

Although the authority previously refused the plans on noise grounds and a perceived conflict with operations on an adjacent industrial estate, the proposed scheme includes a number of mitigation measures. These include attenuation bund, glazing and mechanically ventilated units. These measures are considered to be proportionate to enable acceptable living conditions and ensure that residential homes and business units can exist together side by side as is already evident in the local area.

The plans include a wide range of quality house types of which 20% will be designated as affordable housing in line with Council targets. Over 11000 sq metres of open space is proposed of which nearly 4500 sq metres is classed as active including play area and kick around space, all well in excess of Council targets.

The proposed development site has the benefit of planning permission in principle and is very much regarded as a sustainable site, being part brownfield and adjacent to existing services, school and employment.

Story Homes currently has one other development in Dumfries. Summerpark, the region’s largest current development site, is situated to the east of Dumfries. Summerpark has recently been shortlisted for a Premier Guarantee award for large development of the year. Summerpark scooped two of the prestigious industry awards last year.