Following a consultation with the local community, we have submitted a planning application to bring new high quality homes to west Carlisle.
We are seeking full planning permission for 156 new homes on land at Orton Road in Carlisle, which forms part of the wider land at Newhouse Farm that is allocated for residential development for over 500 homes in the Carlisle District Local Plan 2015-2030.
Our proposals include a range of two to five-bedroom homes from the Story Collection, designed to suit the flexible living that people are looking for in a new home. There will be a selection of affordable homes available too.
Development Planner, Paul Fenton, said: “We carried out a public consultation late last year and have sought to incorporate comments received in formulating our planning application which has now been submitted to Carlisle City Council.
“This scheme will make an important contribution towards housing delivery, including provision of affordable homes, bungalows, and an element of accessible and adaptable homes. We have a variety of attractive developments in other areas of the City that have proven popular with our customers and we’re excited to bring more high quality homes to Carlisle.”
The scheme will deliver environmental benefits including the provision of a SUDS pond with associated biodiversity value, in addition to public open space, soft landscaping and tree lined streets. There will be benefits to the local economy during the construction phase as a result of direct and indirect employment opportunities through the sub-contractor and supply chains, as well as an increased demand for local services when the new homes are occupied.
We anticipate a decision in Summer 2021, you can view the proposals on the Carlisle City Council website using ref 21/0314.