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Planning application submitted for new homes in Kendal

November 2020

Plans have been submitted for a development of new homes on land at Brigsteer Road in Kendal, following public consultation in October 2020.

We are seeking detailed planning permission for 89 homes on the site providing a range of much needed one to five-bedroom homes. The proposals would create a high quality development on a site allocated for housing in South Lakeland’s adopted Local Plan, making an important contribution to meeting South Lakeland District Council’s housing needs.

The scheme will have benefits for the local economy during the construction phase as a result of direct and indirect employment opportunities through the sub-contractor and supply chains, as well as an increased demand for local services when the new houses are occupied.

Story Homes’ Planning Manager Siobhan Sweeney said: “We are seeking detailed planning consent for a new development of up to 89 homes on land at Brigsteer Road in Kendal. This follows a public consultation in October 2020 with the local community.

“We are renowned for designing high quality homes throughout the North West and for our striking street scenes across our developments. In designing this scheme we have paid careful attention to the Council’s Development Brief for this site and this will be highly visible when travelling around the development.”

Proposals can be viewed here at South Lakeland District council website – planning reference: SL/2020/0783