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Plans passed for new homes in Crawcrook

April 2016

Plans to build 169 new family homes in Crawcrook have been given the go-ahead by Gateshead Council’s Planning and Development Committee.

The development will feature a range of properties from two-bedroom to five-bedroom family homes including terraced, semi-detached and detached properties built by Story Homes.

With interesting integrated landscape areas and features, the site will be developed in keeping with the character of the local area.

As well as creating job opportunities for people and businesses in the area, including in the supply chain and sub-contractors, the development will offer 15 per cent of the homes as ‘affordable’ properties for local people.

As part of the proposals, Story Homes will contribute towards local primary education provision, off-site highways improvements, and off-site ecological improvements as well as transferring the freehold of the important Hill 60 to the Council so that it can be managed going forwards.

Sarah Armstrong, head of land and planning for Story Homes in the North East said: “We have worked closely with Gateshead Council from the pre-application stage to develop our proposals for the site which is allocated in the Council’s adopted Core Strategy.

“We are delighted that the Committee has recognised the quality of the proposals and resolved to grant planning permission. We look forward to working in Crawcrook and bringing our award winning, high specification family homes to the area.”

Story Homes submitted the planning application in October 2015 following consultation with local residents and stakeholders who had the opportunity to make suggestions and comments.