A proposed brownfield development in Carlisle would deliver affordable homes for local people and help to meet growing demand for housing in the city.
Story Homes has now submitted proposals for the new homes on land at Hadrian’s Camp in Houghton near Carlisle. Following a public consultation period in August, plans have been submitted to Carlisle City Council for 99 new homes, including 25 affordable houses.
The plans have responded to concerns raised during the application stage including setting back properties away from existing dwellings and the retention of landscaping where possible. 
The brown field land, to be accessed via an existing entrance off Houghton Road, is the site of a former Army camp which closed in 1969 and is currently redundant, with extensive building slab remains, hard standings and overgrowth. The land already has outline planning permission for residential development and the application relates to detailed plans, known as Reserved Matters.
Adam McNally, Development Planner for Story Homes said: “The proposals for 99 homes at Houghton will include an attractive mix of 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom house types sensitively designed in terms as positioning, scale and appearance around areas of open space and new landscaping while retaining key landscaping where possible, all purposively designed to create a quality environment for all to enjoy and retain the character of the area.
“We will honour existing ecological mitigation with financial support for improvements at Gosling Sike as well as a financial education contribution to support the additional forecasted places arising at Houghton Primary School. Play area provision and travel plan initiatives are also offered.”
The proposed development will go part of the way to meeting Carlisle City Council’s need for 650 new homes per year, the majority of which is to be focused in the Carlisle area. The development will help sustain existing village services while the economy will also be boosted through the creation of hundreds of jobs over the life of the development, both directly and indirectly through subcontractors and the supply chain.
The affordable housing element includes 12 properties to be managed by a social landlord and 13 properties to be sold at a discounted rate to local people who meet criteria set by the local authority.
For more information about the application, or to register your interest in this site, please visit the Land & Planning pages.