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Royal Lancashire show competition winners announced

September 2016

p1000562_pixelatedOur mascot Builder Bear was brought to life in multi-colour as more than 60 children took part in our colouring competition at the Royal Lancashire Show in Blackburn over the summer. They got their crayons at the ready and took part in our competition to win their very own cuddly Builder Bear teddy bear.

Seven year old Julia Cizynska from Bamber Bridge fought off stiff competition with her colourful picture.

Congratulations Julia.

Our other winner at the Royal Lancp1000466ashire Show was Lynn Nuttall from Bolton, who entered our competition and grabbed herself a luxurious hamper full of Booths’ goodies.

Lynn visited our stand at the show in Blackburn and said: “We would love to retire to your development at Pendleton Grange, in Clitheroe.”

Congratulations Lynn and we hope you enjoyed your treats.