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Sales and marketing suite arrives at Fallows Park, Wynyard

September 2015

Welcome to the first post on our blog, dedicated to Fallows Park, Wynyard. Each week we will keep you up to date with progress as we build our high quality and high specification homes.

Our sales and marketing suite has now arrived at Fallows Park, Wynyard, all the way from Biggar in Scotland. We are now just weeks away from opening our latest development in the North East with a team of dedicated sub-contractors now well underway completing our sales and marketing area.

Fallows Park will feature a range of 4 and 5 bedroom detached homes, all finished to an exceptionally high specification. The development will feature a selection of 10 house types in a mix of stone, buff and render to produce a very attractive street scene. All properties will have a garage and will include many extras as standard, as is usual for the quality, high specification properties we build.

Read more next week!