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Second development sold out in the North West

July 2018

The final residents are moving in at The Silks, which is located at Galgate in Lancaster, meaning that this development is our second in the North West to be sold out.

We have released new aerial photography to showcase this development which launched in December 2015. The Silks was our second development in Lancaster and the 71 homes are all now reserved with the final family moving in.

Sales Manager Clare Wilson, said: “It is great to see building come to an end at The Silks and to see the thriving community that exists there now.

“The development is in an enviable location, combining the benefits of semi-rural living with excellent transport links for commuters.”
For prospective customers looking for homes in Lancaster, we have a range of three, four and five-bedroom homes available at our High Wood development in the heart of Lancaster City centre.”

Our range of homes at High Wood, which has seen unprecedented demand from local homebuyers in Lancaster, are now available for sale with some ready to move in to this Summer.

This range of homes at High Wood includes a choice of three-bedroom semi-detached and four and five-bedroom detached homes – each thoughtfully designed to reflect the architectural heritage of the development whilst incorporating a range of unique features designed to meet the demands of modern family living, elegantly and beautifully.